How it works

It’s free to submit your music

The Musosoup team listens to every submission to make sure that it’s ready for coverage. You only pay the campaign activation to start your campaign once your submission has been approved.

Apply directly to curators

You can apply to curators’ promotions directly via our marketplace. Browse and apply for hundreds of promotions, only paying if the curator commits to work with you. No money wasted on feedback.

Let curators come to you

Unlike other music submission platforms where you pay every time you submit to a curator, on Musosoup you submit just once and your release gets sent to every curator on our platform.

Choose your coverage

During your campaign, you decide which offers to accept and which to reject. Whether you want to just accept free offers or engage with paid coverage, it’s totally up to you.

Use the discount code MusoNotMiso to save £6.00 on your first campaign

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