Listen and Review
We listen to and review every submission we receive to make sure it’s ready for our platform. We will respond within 24 hours.
It’s FREE to submit
Submitting your music it completely free, so if we decline it, you don’t spend anything.
Submit early
Submit up to 90 days before your release date to get BONUS days to generate interests from our curators.

Sign up to submit your music

1 Company details
2 Social links
3 Sign in details
Company details
Please provide information about your company. Once approved, you will then be able to link the artists you represent to this account.
If your music is accepted we charge a one off campaign fee of £36. You will then have the option to pay for additional coverage or just accept FREE coverage.
Learn more
  • Exposure to 100s of blogs, playlists, stations & influencers
  • Offers for interviews, reviews, features & more
  • Free playlist adds and social shares
  • Opportunity to pay for additional coverage
  • Access to our marketplace vetted curators
A campaign lasts 21 days - but if you submit before your release you get those as extra bonus days.
Learn more

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